lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

Martha Stewart Weddings: FEATURE!

Last year, when June was coming to an end, I got an email by one of the administrations of Etsy. Apparently, they wanted one of my journals to use in one of their "Real Weddings". I didn't know what to think. They told me seven days after that convo, the journal had to be in New York. Only seven days. 
I asked whether it was sure that my journal would be used, or if they had several options. The admin didn't know. 
You may say, why was she doubting? It was such a great opportunity. The reason is I would have to ship using FedEx, which would cost me about 60€, and I wasn't even sure whether they would feature it or not. It was not a good moment for my economy. 

I don't know why I finally jumped in the pool. I made much more than they requested: I made the journal bigger to be used as a guestbook, I bought a cloth of a better quality and I added a case for it. Finally I shipped. And I never heard back. 

The guestbook had to be featured on August-September, so I checked. But, have you ever been on that website? There are so many different weddings. Also, they had told me I would probably receive many visits and orders once the journal was featured. None of this happened, so I assumed it was never used. And, yes, I felt disappointed.

But some weeks ago, someone wrote to me asking for the journal she had seen featured. And then I saw. It had been used. It had. I couldn't believe it. Actually, they added a wood frame and it looked amazing, but it was MY JOURNAL. 

All of this is just to share with you the feature Martha Stewart made of my journal: 

Thanks for looking!!!

PS: According to Etsy, during the last 12 months only 12 people came to my shop from Martha Stewart's website. 

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

Journal Review

Joe from Seattle bought a journal from me this August from Fountain Pen Network and he made a review in his wife's blog. You can read it here: